I'm Jessica, a music enthusiast and all around lover of things. I am nerdy, girly and hyper. I love martial arts and samurai swords. I play a Disc/Shadow priest in World of Warcraft and do not have a favorite PS1 game (choosing between Final Fantasies and Chrono Cross/Trigger is HARD!) Dead Island is currently in my XBox and Wicked the Musical is in my CD Player.
I'm not sure how I feel about the Wii U or the XBox 1... and I think Beef Jerky should be it's own food group.
I spent a week in San Francisco Summer 2014 and had a BLAST! I may have to do a photo blog of that trip... It was simply magical. I love adventures and finding new things. I look forward to sharing my experiences and adventures with you.

I have a crescent moon and star tattooed on my right shoulder. It was very much influenced by Sailor Moon & the Co-exist concept.
I do not have a favorite book, music or art genre. I kinda like a little of everything. The music, art and businesses I want to feature are all about being indie, though I will have the tendency to write about something more mainstream on occasion.
Hope you enjoy!
xo ~ Jess
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