As the years go by, there are more and more things I learn about ADD/ADHD type symptoms, things I've come to simply call 'My Crazy'. These symptoms are not mutually exclusive to ADHD. It is unknown if the symptoms related to me are ADHD. They could be symptoms from my thyroid disease or even Bipolar Disease. There are many causes for symptoms of varying degrees of interest, excitement, and ability to focus. The more familiar I become, the more I understand the struggles I've dealt with since childhood.
1. Acceptance. While ADHD and ADD are technically chemical imbalances, Bipolar is a Mood Disorder and Thyroid is a Physiological Issue, the foundations are all the same. They take place WITHIN us one way or another, and are things that make us different, it's not the end of the world! The hardest thing about my crazy as a kid was no one was willing to accept that I had it or allow me to even be tested. Instead of imbalanced, I was stupid, underachieving and lazy. Acceptance by not only those diagnosed is vital, but more so by the support system they have. The people who will prevent them from feeling broken, damaged or like pariahs. While Thyroid, ADHD and Bipolar are clinically diagnosable, and some even can be disabilities, here are some supplements to help be manage them to strive more for normal lifestyles. But it starts with the attitude towards the situation being faced. Ignoring it will only have negative consequences in the future, possibly making the person who's dealing with it dislike, or possibly, hate themselves because of it.
2. Diet. My diet changes how I feel no matter what issues I'm dealing with that day. Even though I also suffer from thyroid disease, I try to eat well regardless of how happy or depressed I get. Even when I have something like spaghetti, I throw a ton of veggies into the pot to supplement with vitamins. For kids, lowering the amount of sugar and white flower / rice products they eat the better they will manage their crazy. The closer to natural the better.
3. Vitamins. I take Pycogenol and B Complex for the ADHD/ADD symptoms. The pcycogenol and b complex together allow to calm down the clutter in my head and allow me to focus. When I'm having a super bad day, low energy and even lower motivation, I reach for the Living Energy for an extra boost.
- Pycogenol is a concentrated natural extract from the bark of pine trees that grow in the Landes Forest of southwestern France. It's the only species of tree that grows in this 4,000 squiare mile forest. These pine trees contain concentrated levels of unique favonoid compounds that support the bodies ability to neutralize the radicals. Free radicals (reactive moledules) can inhibit the immune system and expedite the againg process.
- Referred to as vitamin B complex, the eight B vitamins — B1, B2, B3, B5, B6, B7, B9, B12 — play an important role in keeping our bodies running like well-oiled machines. These essential nutrients help convert our food into fuel, allowing us to stay energized throughout the day. While many of the following vitamins work in tandem, each has its own specific benefits — from promoting healthy skin and hair to preventing memory loss or migraines.
My mind is always like a super overflowing filing cabinet that has absolutely no organization. Now imagine trying to find what you need. The frustration and panic that comes from this is constant, because I have to struggle to even speak sometimes, because I loose the most basic of words from my mind being so jumbled.
It causes me to have irrational panic attacks and makes it really hard to think on a dime. Things I learn are harder to remember and it's always been that way. As a kid, I was smart, but worked harder than anyone I knew for average grades. In high school, the ADHD was too much for me to handle on my own, and I spiraled out of control.
For those who have kids with ADHD, take some time everyday to teach your kids how to take care of their mind, their sanity and strive to encourage them to work on finding inner peace. Having them focus on one point on the wall while listening to a calming CD's (meditation or classical music), they can train themselves to find peace in the quiet rather than horror (like I did for so long). Learning how to find peace in the silence will give children with ADHD a huge head start if it rolls over into adulthood.

I hope that this blog will help someone counter the mental anguish that our crazy brings with peace, the anger with patience, and the frustration with hope. These are my goals every day, and while every day is a struggle, each new day is proof of an accomplishment.
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