Top Selling Author Continues Book Series with New Title
Trotter, author of “In Due Season: We Will Hear God’s Voice, plans release of new book
in 2014.
For Immediate Release

“In Due Season's purpose is to reach out to many people to let them know that the voice of God is real. He speaks to us in so many ways, even in visions and dreams. We all have the ability to hear His voice and heed His warnings and hear His plans for our lives. He has plenty of blessings and good news to bring to us, but we must acknowledge His presence always; even at our darkest moments in life,” Trotter shared.
"In Due Season: We Will Hear God’s Voice, is a book that is a must read." “Booklovers will learn just how much God loves us. He loves us enough to speak to us in dreams and to send a legion of His angels to protect us. This book is a testimony to the world that those who love the Lord should make it a desire and habit to seek God's voice on a daily basis. There are many personal experiences that have happened in my life and there are a myriad of supernatural encounters. Perhaps you're thinking that God doesn't speak in an audible voice in today's world. I have news for you, He does,” Trotter added.
The book, which is available online at Trotter’s site, on Amazon, Barnes and Noble and via Kindle, has had many positive reviews. One reviewer recently wrote: “It was a wonderful book. It is very touching. I encourage everyone to purchase one. Just reading chapter one makes you not want to put the book down. Reading this book also makes you feel like you are the person that's being touched by God.”Trotter is also completing a new Christian romance novel titled, "Don't Throw the Rice, Yet!" which will be published in Winter 2014.
“When bad things happen and it seems like there is no glimmer of hope shining through, just when we're about to give up, that's when God whispers to us and gives a meaningful pep talk and edifies us,” Trotter said.
To learn more about the author, Leslie Trotter, visit the sites below:
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