I work in a call center. I have worked in a call center for over two years. In these two years, I have learned a few things.
1) People are horrible. An individual is fine, but anytime you deal with people enough that you only remember them as a grouping, you realize what a bunch of horrid, mouth breathing, sociopathic group of ingrates they are. And they all have the same complaints, thinking that they, among the MILLIONS of people I talk to on a regular basis, are the first to notice this special insight. Here's some news for you. You're not special, and at least 1 million people have noticed it before. I don't care that you didn't like the voice portal. You're with me now. Let's get to business.
2) People loose 20 IQ points on the phone. See above. It needed to be said, though.
3) We try to care. Most people you talk to in a support capacity (Tech support, helping you enroll in something, etc) actually DO want to help you. The understand how frustrating it is, and want you to be taken care of so you get off the phone. However, when you argue with your support representative about something, nothing gets done. If you have an issue, bring it up to them, and see if they react. Just like all jobs, some reps will be bad, but for the most part, they will either take the information, or they will tell you why they do not think it is important. Trust their judgement. They've probably done it longer than you have.
4) Asking for a supervisor is funny. Supervisors are not supervisors. They are one step up on the totem pole, usually have the same training as the rep you just talked to, and only have advanced training in how to deal with hostile customers. And usually, the rep you just talked to will tell the "Sup" exactly what you want, and they will laugh at you together.
Now, for something different:
This is the best fountains of Wayne
single. Forget Stacie's Mom. This is better.
The Girl I Can't Forget
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